2500 28th Street - PO Box 57 - Slayton, MN 56172

AIS Species

Billboard-2a-1024x690What to Do When I Find an Invasive Species?

If you suspect an AIS infestation:

  • Review the Species information listed below (click on the photos for more information)
  • Note the location
  • Take a photo or keep the specimen
  • Contact the AIS specialist in your region:  Carli Wagner 507-389-8812

For questions about Aquatic Invasive Species in Murray County Contact:
Sarah Soderholm
Murray County Environmental Services

 are small animals with a striped, D-shaped shell that attaches to hard surfaces underwater. 

STARRY STONEWORT is a bushy, bright green macro-algae that produces a star-shaped bulbil and creates a dense carpet of material.

CURLY LEAF PONDWEED is a rooted, submersed aquatic plant that can grow up to 15 feet tall and can mat the surface of the water.

EURASIAN WATERMILFOIL is a rooted, submerged aquatic plant that creates a canopy-like structure towards the water's surface.

PURPLE LOOSESTRIFE is a wetland plant with purple flowers that spread by its seeds. Mature plants can send out 30 to 50 shoots creating a dense web.

SPINY WATERFLEAS are microscopic animals that live in open water and are often found on fishing line or other equipment in clumps with a texture of wet cotton.

FAUCET SNAILS are small animals with spiral shells that are hosts to "flukes" that cause mortality in ducks and coots.

RUSTY CRAYFISH are small crustaceans that grow up to five inches long.  This particular crayfish aggressively displace native crayfish, leads to the destruction of aquatic plants and consumes fish eggs.

BIGHEAD CARP is a large fish that can weigh up to 110 pounds and grow to four and a half feet.

COMMON CARP is a large fish that is one of the most damaging species due to its impacts in shallow lakes and wetlands.

SILVER CARP is a large feeding fish that can weigh up to 90 pounds and grow to to 50 inches.  If startled this carp can jump 10 feet out of the water.

FLOWERING RUSH is a reed-like plant with pink flowers that can grow dense along shoreland areas which make it difficult to access open water.  It can overtake habitat and outcompetes native plants.